Cultivating gospel movements across Africa

Objective for the week

Think together and be equipped to develop transdenominational networks in African cities.

Develop deep relationships with leaders across Africa seeking to do the same.

Create next steps for your city leadership team



Kindly note that you will need to produce a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test that is not older than 72 hours from the time of departure from the country of origin to South Africa.

Also please remember to complete the SA Health Questionnaire before arrival.

The wearing of a face mask is mandatory for every person when in a public place


  • Each participant of the Intensive is housed in a guest house in Brooklyn, Pretoria. The guest house is beautiful, clean. 

  • Rooms will be shared, it is not self catering rooms. All catering will be provided by the guesthouse. 

  • Housing begins: The evening of Monday, November 29, 2021 

  • Housing ends: The morning of Thursday, December 2, 2021 

  • City to City Africa will cover the costs of each individual housing during the Intensive.


City to City Africa will be responsible for your transportation of the Intensive.


All meals will be provided by the guest house. Should you have special dietary needs, kindly send an email to Esmé Faling at with more details.


You will be in Pretoria during the middle of summer. Daytime maximum temperatures average around 29°C (84°F), whilst at night 16°C (61°F) is normal. It is also our rain season, please be prepared for possible afternoon rain storms.         


Day 1: 29 November 2021

08:30 - 16:30  Arrival

19:00-21:00  Orientation Dinner

Day 2: 30 November 2021

08:30-10:00  Movement Dynamics

Coffee Break

10:30-12:00  Movement Principle

12:00-13:00  Lunch

13:00-14:30  Catalytic Teams

Coffee Break

15:00-16:30  Catalyst

19:00  Braai & Dinner

Day 3 1 December 2021

08:15-09:45  Movement Life Cycle

Coffee Break

10:15-11:45  Movement Principles

Coffee Break

12:00-13:30  City Collaboration

13:30-14:30  Lunch

14:30-16:00  Church Multiplication

16:30-17:30  Union Buildings

18:00  Dinner

Day 4 2 December 2021

08:15-09:45  Mapping and Assessing

Patrenships in your City

Coffee Break

10:00-11:30  Our City Strategy

Coffee Break

11:45-13:15  Q&A with panel

13:15-14:15  Lunch

14:15  Departure




Georges Amoako-Prempeh

I studied French at the Ghana Institute of Languages and obtained Diplome de lanque française at the Alliance Française in 1985.Completed a diploma in Christian ministry at Maranatha Bible College, in Accra. Pastored Liberty Baptist Church under the auspices of the Ghana Baptist Convention from 1987 to 1994. Married to Georgel in 1989 and have been graced with 4 kids. I did an advanced diploma in missions and church growth at Asia Theological Centre (ATC) in Singapore 2000.Holder of an Executive Masters in Governance and Leadership at Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). Founder and senior pastor of LA MAISON.

Oliver Bi


I am Olivier Bi Kouadio, married to Jacqueline since 2003 and father of five children, four boys and one girl. I accepted the Lord Jesus in 2001 and was consecrated to the pastoral ministry in December 2014. Currently, I am the youth pastor at Église la Maison de la Destinée (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire) and a facilitator for City Impact Institute Abidjan.



Mawuli Ahlijah

Rev. Emmanuel M. Ahlijah is senior pastor of Community Bible Church in Madina inner city of Accra. Born on 14th June 1961 and married to Olivia Ahlijah for 28 years. Together we have 3 adult children. Passion for youth ministry and mentoring.

Victor Abaka


Victor Abaka Obeng had a sound discipleship grooming through International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) as a student, Staff worker and Team Leader. Currently, he is the Country Coordinator for Langham Preaching Ghana-a John Stott Ministry initiative. He is joyfully married to Esi Sekyeraa Obeng, a High School Guidance and Counseling Coordinator and also an English Tutor. Victor has passion for training, facilitating, preaching and now gospel coaching of pastors, Church Leaders, and also networking for the gospel in cities.


Girma Bishaw

Rev Dr Girma Bishaw is a City Catalyst for The London Project, with a particular focus on serving diaspora church leaders to be more effective in mission. He also serves as the director of Gratitude Initiative, a charity that exists to promote the sharing of gratitude to change the social imagination that leads to relational transformation, a fulfilled self, a sense of belonging, and a harmonious and just society in Britain. Before founding Gratitude Initiative, Rev Girma served as a pastor of the Ethiopian Christian Fellowship Church, where he played a key role in the planting of diaspora churches in London as well as across the UK. Girma is Married to Yodit, and together they have a son and a daughter.


Degefa Fogi

Lemma Degefa is son of an Ethiopian farmer. Author, trainer, inspirational speaker, and executive coach for pastors, business, charity and public leaders. He leads an indigenous ministry called Leadership Transformation Ministries in Ethiopia. With his wife Azeb and 3 children he lives in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Lemma enjoys serving those who serve others.


Dorothy Atobong

Njilefack Epse


Dorothy Njilefack Njafuh is the President and Senior Pastor of Faith Bible Church International, co-founded with my late husband, Bishop Zach Njafuh. The union was blessed with four children; two girls and two boys.I hold a Bachelor's degree in Zoology, a Masters Degree in Medical Microbiology /Parasitology , Masters Degree in Ministry and am currently working on the completion of a PhD in Ministry.

We have embarked on planting Faith Bible Churches in all ten regions of our Nation, with five more to go. Currently working on one in our capital city which has begun with evangelism and cell planting. I look forward to seeing this happen by raising not just converts, but disciples of Christ.

Hitler Dumsi


I am a Cameroonian Pastor at Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC).

Married and blessed with 4 Children.

Holder of MA in Christian Leadership & Church Administration.


Daniel Che


Daniel Shu is an ordained minister and teacher of the Word. Believed 45 years ago, has planted 7 churches, ministered in 35 countries of four continents. He has implanted in Africa two international organizations; Bread For Life and Haggai Institute, but presently is carrying out a personal international ministry of training Marriage Counsellors. He is a Medical Doctor, Radiologist on retirement.



Pastor Germy Feupossi has been a pastor for 23 years, teaching in Bible Institutions and especially at the NATIONS' HOPE BIBLE INSTITUTE. He is the Superintendent of Nations' Hope Mission, a church he founded 7 years ago and is currently planted in 4 Regions of Cameroon. His passion is to make disciples as Jesus recommended, and to plant churches with the DNA of making disciples that continue to make other disciples. For the past two years, this passion led him to work with The Bonhoeffer Project which he leads nationally. Germy is been married to Marie Hortense for over 25 years and they have six sons and two adopted daughters

johannesburg / pretoria



Rev. Musawenkosi Ntinga is the Rector of Christ Central Soweto (REACHSA), a three year old church plant in Klipspruit, Soweto. He is also the executive director of Gauteng Alliance, a collaborative of a number of churches and Christian organizations that seek to collaborate generously for Kingdom growth and Gospel impact in all of Gauteng. He is married to Masana Ntinga and they have 2 lovely boys, Ayabonga (5) and Hlulani (1).



James is the Senior Pastor at Hope Church Auckland Park by God’s grace and amazing sovereignty. He was trained at St. Helen’s in London, served as a student worker in Durban, studied for his MTh at Oak Hill College, London and was curate at Trinity Church Islington before coming to Johannesburg. He is married to Lucy and has four kids.



Sibusiso is a husband to Sihle and a father of 2 energetic boys(Sbongumenzi and Lubanzi).He pastors a young church plant in Mamelodi Pretoria.He is very excited to see churches planted in the townships of South Africa and collaboration happening along different denominational/network lines for the sake of the Gospel Impact.He is also a catalyst with the Gauteng Alliance.




I am married to Yvonne Nabwire Kilama. God has blessed us with three Children. First as a Social Work student at Makerere University, then later as a seminary student at Nairobi Evangelical School of Theology and a call to ordination in the Baptist Church.For the past eight years, I have served as the Pastor of Lugogo Baptist Church, a Church in the City of Kampala. As a local church family we are involved in several church planting initiatives and are currently in the midst of planting a Church in an area with a fast growing population sandwiched between the two largest Muslim communities around the City.



Derrick and Rae are serving the Lord Jesus in Kampala, Uganda. They seek to glorify God by planting gospel-centered and disciple-making churches, and by equipping gospel workers in a context where false versions of the gospel are teeming. They’re currently working with a team in the planting of Cross Fellowship Church in Kampala. Their ministry involves proclaiming Christ to the lost, training future Christian leaders, and serving the growing refugee community in Kampala.



My name is Bosco Bukeera and I’m from Kampala, Uganda. I have been married to my lovely wife, Heidi, for 7 years now. We have three boys and one girl: Ezekiel (5), Eleazar (4), Talitha (2), and Zebulun (4 months). I am a Pastor of a Church Plant in Ssenge, Uganda, that we planted three years ago. Emmanuel Baptist Church seeks to know Christ and to make him known in our community. Even though I was not born in a Christian community the Lord was good to me in my early 20s to reveal Jesus to me and to call me into his ministry.




London is one of the world’s most culturally influential cities. One-third of London’s citizens were born outside of the United Kingdom. By 2030 this diverse and growing city will reach a population of 10.2 million people. As London’s population increases the total number of people living in poverty has also continued to rise. With its increased cost of living and income inequalities, London has experienced breakdown in families and communities, isolation and multicultural tensions.




Bishop David Ngoy Mutumba. Married to Kapuya Kavuala Chantal and father of eight children: Theologian, political scientist and lawyer, filmmaker and author songwriter of religious songs. Professor and visionary of two. Network: "Children of Jesus Christ Foundation." and "Carrefour of thinkers for the quantitative and qualitative development of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Africa.