To give through your INTERNATIONAL bank account:
Name of the Organization: City to City Africa
City to City Africa Account #: 4000812068
Swift code: LISAZAJJ
CIF Account: 11771054
Mercantile Bank: Mercantile Lisbon House, Floor 4, 142 West Street, Sandton
Sandton Branch Code: 450905
Reference for payments: City to City Africa
To give through your sOUTH aFRICAN bank account:
Name of the Organization: City to City Africa NPO
Account type: Business Account
City to City Africa Account #: 62798729483
Branch code: 261550
Branch name: Centurion
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ
Reference for payments: City to City Africa
For information about our work and the results. Please have a look at the part on this website 'Networknews'.
To learn more about our giving policy, see here.